While some business will sell themselves, that is usually not the case. Depending on the economic situation in your region, along with the competition from other roofing contractors, you may need to spend less time on the roof and more time in the office and on the street to get your business moving. Here are some ways you can throttle your roofing business:
- Marketing – Effective marketing doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg
- Pricing – How you set your pricing and present your pricing to customers can boost sales.
- Customer Relations – Treating your customers right can bring in new jobs.
- Organization/Office Management
- Employees can make or break your company. Make sure you choose the right ones.
- Patience/Persistence- Running a profitable business takes hard work. Don’t throw in the towel just because the phone isn’t ringing. Maybe you aren’t working hard enough to attract customers, or maybe you need to re-evaluate the techniques you are trying to use to acquire customers.