A ladder rack is an important piece of equipment for any roofing truck or van. It will not only be used to hold ladders, but also lumber, gutters, drip edge, and many other roofing related items. There are many different models on the market. Here is a comparison chart including a few different popular models. For this review, ladder racks for pickup trucks will be compared. Ladder racks for vans will be reviewed in another post.
When purchasing a ladder rack, you may want to consider a used model if price is a concern. While a new ladder rack could cost over $1,000.00, a used rack in good condition can usually be found on Craigslist for just a few hundred. One note on the System 1: this rack is narrow at the top, allowing only two ladders next to each other (of course, you could stack more ladders, if you wish). This is one of the only negatives for this rack in my opinion.
I don’t know if there is one “best” ladder rack. Each one listed here will do an excellent job at what it is made for: holding ladders.
If you are considering a vehicle to go with your ladder rack, check here.