How to Start a Roofing Business in New York

How to Start a Roofing Business In New York

Are you considering venturing into the roofing industry in the state of New York? Starting your own roofing business can be a lucrative endeavor,
How to start a roofing business in New Yorkbut it also requires careful planning, adherence to legal requirements, and a solid strategy for success. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the essential steps and considerations you need to take when launching your roofing business in the Empire State.

Please note that regulations and requirements may change over time, so it’s crucial to conduct your own up-to-date research. You may want to start here: Starting a Roofing Business

Getting started– The state of New York has a website about starting a business here: New York Business Express

-Select your business structure.

The first decision you’ll need to make is choosing the right business structure for your roofing company. New York offers various options, including sole proprietorship, limited liability company (LLC), partnership, and corporation. Each structure has its own legal and tax implications, so it’s crucial to carefully evaluate which one aligns best with your business goals and objectives. Learn more about choosing a roofing business structure here: Choosing a Roofing Business Structure

-Register your business name.

Once you’ve decided on your business structure, you’ll need to register your business name. The state of New York requires you to file a Certificate of Assumed Name, also known as a “Doing Business As” (DBA) registration:  New York Certificate of Assumed Name

If you need help selecting a name for your roofing business check our roofing business name guide:  Choosing a Roofing Company Name

-Register your business.

To legally operate your roofing business in New York, you must register it with the state. The New York Business Express website provides comprehensive information on how to start a business in the state, including the necessary forms and requirements: Start a Business in New York

-Open a Business Checking Account.

Separating your business finances from personal finances is essential for maintaining proper financial records and organization. Open a dedicated business checking account within the state of New York in your roofing company’s name to manage your finances efficiently.

-Find out about taxes and hire an accountant.

New York’s tax regulations can be complex, and they may change over time. In the early stages of your roofing business, you might handle your taxes independently. However, as your roofing company grows, it’s advisable to hire a professional accountant who specializes in small businesses.

More info about taxes here:

-Register as a Contractor.

To work legally as a roofing contractor in New York, you must register with your county and comply with local requirements. The specific registration process and regulations may vary by location, so it’s essential to check with your county’s authorities.

-Get Roofing Software

Roofing software will streamline your business before you even start, giving you visibility and control over all your leads, sales, jobs, and tasks from a single program to get your company on the fast track toward growth.

You’ll also be able to create estimates, place material orders, automate the boring (but necessary) stuff, empowering you and your team to finish jobs on time and on budget. Try JobNimbus for Free!

-Get Liability Insurance.

In New York and many states, understanding the regulations and laws regarding the need for contractor liability and bonds for contractors can be tricky. Having the right coverage is crucial for all roofing contractors.

We work with because they’re the one-stop-shop for General Liability insurance and are able to get online quotes in all 50 states. Plus, their expertise means they’re fast when it comes to getting the right bond and liability coverage.  Roofers need to win the job and stay protected at an affordable price. Get A Free Quote Now>

-Worker’s Compensation.

Worker’s compensation provides financial assistance to employees who are injured or become ill on the job. This can include medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs. By offering worker’s compensation, you can help protect your employees and ensure that they receive the care they need in the event of a workplace accident or injury.

If you have any employees, it’s essential to obtain worker’s compensation insurance coverage. This not only helps safeguard your employees’ health and livelihood, but it also protects your business from potential liability and financial damages. Get A Free Quote Now>

-Create Your Roofing Brand

Building a strong brand is vital for the success of your roofing business. Develop a memorable logo, company slogan, and other visual elements that convey your company’s identity to potential customers.

-Create Your Roofing Website

In today’s digital age, a professional website is a must for attracting roofing leads. Your website should be attractive, user-friendly, and search engine optimized (SEO) to ensure it ranks well on search engines.

Contact us if you need a website built.

-Get Health Insurance.

As a self-employed business owner, you’ll need to secure your own health insurance. If you have employees, you’ll also need to provide a health insurance plan that meets their needs. Explore different health insurance options available in New York to find the right coverage for you and your roofing team.

-City License.

Depending on your location within New York, you may be required to obtain a city license to operate your roofing business. Check with your local authorities for specific licensing requirements, whether you’re a resident or not.


 new york roofs

Certain roofing jobs in New York may require permits, depending on your locality and the type of work you plan to undertake. It’s essential to research and apply for the necessary permits before starting such projects.

-Building Code and Inspections.

Familiarize yourself with the building codes and regulations that apply to your roofing projects. Compliance with these codes is essential according to New York law, and you may be subject to inspections to ensure your work meets safety and quality standards.


If you have employees, it’s crucial to follow the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations to maintain a safe work environment. Be diligent in researching and understanding the specific OSHA regulations that apply to your roofing business.


Depending on your startup budget, you may need to secure financing to purchase equipment and cover initial expenses. Explore various financing options, including loans and grants, to support your roofing business’s growth.

-Roofing Marketing.

To get your roofing business going, you will need to use multiple marketing techniques that work best with your location and the services you offer: Roofing Marketing Ideas

Starting a roofing business in New York can be a rewarding venture, but it requires careful planning and adherence to local regulations. By following these steps and staying informed about industry developments, you can pave the way for a successful roofing career in the Empire State. Remember that the business landscape can change, so it’s essential to stay adaptable and continue learning as your roofing company grows.